Rest Support

  • Android Users: Firmware update is not completing? Connection error after firmware update?

    Step 1: Plug REST to a charger. Step 2: Download the “nRF Connect” App. Step 3: Once you’re in nRF Connect, press “Scan” on the top right corner OR drag the screen down to refresh. Step 4: Find UmayRest. Step 5: Click on UmayRest and Connect. Step 6: If it says “Connected Not Bonded”, click on th...
  • How do I find my device's serial number?

    The device's serial number, which starts with A and is followed by a 6-digit number. It can be found on your REST device on the cloud of your REST near the bridge or printed on the back of your "start with u" envelope.  Or
  • How do I know if my REST is running the whole session?

    When a session is running the lights on your REST will be flashing blue, orange or white (depending on the session you are running). When the lights turn off the session is over. If the session is ending before the time length set and when you remove your REST from your eyes the lights are off, p...
  • How do I update the firmware?

      To update the firmware on your Umay device:   Step #1: Open the Umay App and navigate to Settings (gear icon). If there is a firmware update available you will receive a pop-up to update your firmware, continue the steps below. If there is not a pop-up your Umay device is up to date. Current R...
  • I am trying to connect my REST but it turns off before I can pick something from my app. How can I fix this?

    Our team suggests picking your REST session and then connecting your REST. When you tap on a session it will then ask you to "Connect to REST" before you are able to customize your session. You are only able to connect when the green light is on. The green light stays on for 30 seconds if it is n...
  • Why am I getting a red light?

    If you are getting a red light it usually means that your Rest is overheated. The can happen for a few minutes after charging or if you're trying to do back to back sessions. We recommend letting Rest cool off for 15-30 minutes before using it again. If you're seeing a red light while charging, u...
  • Why do I keep getting the purple light on my REST?

    The purple light indicates "overheat warning". There's no need to worry this can happen when you try and run multiple sessions back to back. Between sessions, we recommend letting your REST cool down for approximately 15-30 minutes before running another session. If this is happening on your firs...